Fuel Dispensing

Key Features of Modern Fuel Dispensing Units

Fuel Dispensing

Fuel Dispensing | Image Resource: westmor-ind.com

Fuel or gasoline is one of the crucial products and service sector and its requirement is rising day by day. The dispensing system is a combination of several mechanical, electrical, and electronic devices. The dispensers are used to pump the fuel into the vehicle. Modern dispensers have a monitoring system to control fuel consumption in any kind of industry. New technology has been used in the dispensing system to give better service. Dispensers are available in various types and designs.

The fuel dispensing pump consists of two main parts. A mechanical head and an electronic system are the two main parts. The electronic head is composed of controlling units and it controls the dispensing of fuel. The mechanical part contains the dispenser which pumps the fuel to the vehicle tank. New technologies and methods have been incorporated to monitor and control dispensing of fuel.

The design and type of nozzles are dependent on the type of fuel they must dispense. the unit consists of several sections such as metering, hydraulic, and valve/nozzle. The hydraulic section contains a pump for pumping the fuel from storage tanks. From there, fuel flows through the pump and valve into the metering section to calculate how much fuel is dispensing. After this section, the fuel passes through the outlet that dispense fuel into the vehicles.

Key Features of Fuel Dispensing Device

Modern fuel dispensers have some important features.

  • Auto shut off nozzles – it is very useful in preventing the overflow of fuel the valve automatically shuts off when the tank is filled.
  • Automatic tank Gauging – it is to monitor the fuel level
  • Dispensing unit power overpower take off
  • Internal rotary pump for the smooth and accurate flow of fuel at high pressure.
  • Interlock arrangement for safety measures
  • Emergency switch in driver’s cabin

These are the main features of modern fuel dispensing pumps. One must ensure that dispensing outlets meet the prescribed standards to avoid the fire accidents at filling stations. When you are going to purchase a fuel filling unit you have to ensure that it meets the prescribed status, is manufactured with quality materials and there are the specifications for your requirements.

These new devices help to avoid misfuelling. The nozzles allow dispensing only the designed fuel. The nozzle which is supposed to dispense fuel has a larger valve than others and it may not suit other fuel tanks.