1 year MBA programs

Advantages of 1 year MBA programs

1 year MBA Programs | Image Resource: Shutterstock.com
If you are an aspiring MBA candidate then you must be well aware that the course can be completed with a two years program or a one year program. As a student you might have faced the dilemma of choosing the right program for your career. While the two year MBA course has its own benefits the one year course is not anything less valuable. With a one year course you will get extensive scope of studying and it is more cost effective and time saving that the two years course. 
For a long time the two year MBA program had been favored by students. However, gradually the 1 year MBA programs are also gaining popularity. Students now understand the various benefits of the MBA course that takes a shorter time to complete and yet has all the advantages of a two year course. The various benefits of 1 year MBA programs are mentioned below.
1 year MBA programs follow more practical approach
One of the basic requirements of doing a one year MBA course is that the student needs to have an experience of at least five years in this field. This is why in the one year program the theoretical aspects of the course are not dealt with much attention. It is natural that students with five years of experience have already learned the theories of the field. This is why the one year program focuses more on practical problems and their solutions. Students here are faced with real life business and finance related problems and that sharpens their marketing skills. 
Get lessons from professionals
Given the fact that the one year program focuses more on practical learning it is only natural that the teachers of this course are highly qualified professionals who have practical experiences in the field. Such a course often introduces entrepreneurs and business professionals as teachers. This gives the students of the one year program a better chance to understand the business module and excel in their fields and careers as professional executives. 
Thus, the one year MBA courses are not only time saving but also they are more practical and fruitful. Students with experience are eligible for this course and after the course they learn the various nitty-gritty of the field that was previously unknown to them. The cost of the course is also lesser than a two year program and this makes it an effective choice for working professionals as well as students.